If you are doing business online and you have a website, it is a really good idea to have a privacy policy and a cookie policy on your website.
What is a privacy policy?
According to Wikipedia:
“A privacy policy is a statement or a legal document (in privacy law) that discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client’s data. It fulfills a legal requirement to protect a customer or client’s privacy.”
A privacy policy is a legal agreement that explains what kinds of personal information you gather from website visitors, how you use this information, and how you keep it safe.
A cookie policy can be included in a privacy policy or it may stand on its own, but you need a cookie policy on your website. It is easiest to just include it in your privacy policy.
You might think you aren’t collecting anyone’s personal data, but it’s quite likely that your website tech is doing so without your knowledge.
Do you really need a privacy policy for your website?
The answer is yes, you really do need one!
Why do you need a privacy policy?
Legal protection for yourself is just one reason. There are 3 other strong arguments for having a privacy policy.
1. Its a legal requirement
If you are a business and you collect any personal information from users, you are legally required to have a privacy policy and to make it publicly available. Considering that the vast majority of websites use cookies, it’s reasonable to suggest that any business with a website requires a privacy policy.
2. A privacy policy is required by many 3rd party services
If you use Google Analytics or AdSense, you are using cookies that track visitors’ information and you must notify them that you use cookies. It is a part of their Terms and Conditions.
Companies like Google and Apple as well as social media sites like Facebook ‘ask’ that a privacy policy to be displayed if you want to use their products. Again, if you want to use their services, you need a privacy policy.
3. Your visitors care about their privacy
People really don’t want their personal information out there in cyberspace. Having a privacy policy is a way to share your commitment to protecting your visitors’ personal information. People expect to see them. This shows them that you can be trusted, and that you have their best interests at heart.
Where to put a privacy policy?
A link to your privacy policy is generally found in the footer of your website and it has its own webpage.
How can you get a privacy policy?
1. The most expensive but most reliable way – hire a lawyer or legal professional.
2. New WordPress installations have a privacy policy general outline with suggestions on how to fill it out. Even if you go this route, you will still want to get them reviewed by a lawyer.
3. There are a few WordPress Plugins that will generate legal terms. Be aware of the originating country of these plugins to make sure it applies to you. Again, get it reviewed by a lawyer.
2 plugins that I have used you might want to consider

Privacy Policy Generator, Terms & Conditions Generator WordPress Plugin: WPLegalPages by WPEka Club

WP AutoTerms: Privacy Policy Generator, Terms & Conditions Generator, Cookie Notice Banner by WP AutoTerms
Ultimately, it’s up to you to determine the type of privacy policy your business needs and what needs to be included in it. I highly recommend that you consult with a legal professional.
Do you have a Privacy Policy?
You may not rely upon this information as legal advice. Legal information is not the same as legal advice and requirements and laws vary by region and country. Always consult with a lawyer or legal expert.